An e-mail with your surname

Your name is DÉPREZ or, at a pinch DEPREZ. Congratulations, it's a very pretty surname. Do you want an e-mail address like or ?

Isn't a good idea to have an e-mail address to his own surname ?

Here, it is possible for a very low lump annual sum to get a personalized e-mail box or

Benefits of e-mail to your surname

Among all those who bear the same surname as myself, you will be the only one in the world to have the address that you have chosen, unless your homonyms have allready done. Hurry up, the number of addresses is limited, very limited ...

You can keep your new address as long as you want, even if you change Internet Service Provider ...

You do not change anything in your habits. You keep your Internet Service Provider. You can continue to use your current addresses.

Characteristics of the mailbox

This box is protected by an anti-spam and virus protection. You will get along with a minimum of spam.

You have a webmail that can be used with any Internet connection..

Pop Server and SMTP server (SMTP: if your Internet Access Provider agrees. Otherwise, the easiest way is to use your ISP's SMTP server)

Storage space for mails according to fare below.

Unlimited traffic.

Hosting Provider:

Yearly fee 2008 including V.A.T.

This is the price for the years that are not leap (for leap years : make a three rule : multiply by 366 and divide by 365, then round to the higher cent)

200 MB mail space 4 €/year.
300 MB mail space 4 €/year.
400 MB mail space 4 €/year.
500 MB mail space 4 €/year.

Booking : Write to

The webmaster sometimes gives free access to the mail service if you kindly ask him.

General terms and conditions

See attached document on page « mail rules »

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